Thursday, July 21, 2011
Update - Artifact Showcase
Over the last ten weeks, the field school has recovered thousands of distinct pieces of evidence concerning the occupation periods of the Arcadia Mill Village. Some of them have been featured in previous blog posts, but there are quite a few that deserve mentioning now that we have completed excavation and are preparing for a transition from recovery to conservation and analysis.
This iron, depicted in situ, or in place, was missing its handle. It is possible that we have actually recovered it during the summer's excavations, but since iron artifacts are often almost unrecognizable because of oxidation pre-conservation, it will take a while for us to find it!
We have found several fragments of tableware at Area A. These sorts of finds can "cross-mend" in a fashion similar to ceramics. Individuals of low socioeconomic status would buy their tableware piecemeal as they could afford it, and plantation slaves sometimes received hand-me-downs, so it is unlikely that there is a complete set of silverware out there at Area A. This can make a cross-mend more valuable for tying distinct contexts together through association, because of the greater variety of decorative traditions.

This bottle, as you can see in the wall of one of our units and the scaled image to the left, has a sizeable "kick," which is the convex indentation in the bottom of wine bottles left over from the manufacturing process. Wine bottles change in shape over time as styles of manufacture change, which can provide a source of relative dates on a site.
It was exciting to find evidence of activities at Area A. This frog gig is aptly named for its use in hunting small reptiles and amphibians. Counter-intuitively, people of low socioeconomic status in the past tended to have a more diverse diet than wealthy individuals, which often resulted in better nutrition for them in the long run!
Faunal remains can give special insight into the diet of historical actors. Earlier, I mentioned the lack of faunal remains in many of our test units. Local soil conditions are sandy, with a high level of acidity. This causes organic material to decay quickly in the absence of something in the soil to neutralize it. Lime from mortar used to hold bricks together is a base, which explains the presence of these teeth in a feature that was notable for its brick and mortar concentration.
It is important for an archaeologist to decide the size of screen to use on an excavation, because small artifacts like this clothing hook can slip through a 1/4" screen unnoticed during sifting. For this reason, we switch to the smaller 1/8" screen when we encounter features.
This piece of white-ware has what is known as a transfer print, a method of imprinting complex and detailed shapes onto the surface of a ceramic dish, cup, or other implement cheaply and quickly. These sorts of ceramic wares were intended for mass-market consumption.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Student Highlight - Lauren Bell
Student Highlight - Matt Giesecke
Update - Maritime Mapping
The maritime component has also been able to take some underwater photographs of features associated with the mill this summer. Thanks to the recent dry weather conditions, the creek was clear of the brown tannin from local oak trees that would obscure visibility. Moreover, the actual water level of the creek has been low enough to make for good lighting conditions.
This video should give you an excellent impression of what it was like as a diver during the survey. As you can see, identifying cultural features and telling them apart from the natural character of the creek bed can be quite a challenge!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Update - Completing the Square / Underwater Features
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Update - Geophysical and Maritime
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Data Visualization with GIS - Part Two
Part of understanding the past involves visualizing the "built world," or the physical result of the relationship between people and their environment. At Arcadia, the extensive earthworks and structural remains serves as powerful evidence of the ways in which the environment was permanently altered by human occupation. Geographic Information Systems software is uniquely suited to addressing research questions concerning how the natural world was turned into a built one during a site's occupation. (Please click the image thumbnails for a larger version.)
This image is a contour map showing the topography of the Juan de la Rua land grant. This particular parcel of land was valuable because it had an excellent mill seat. A mill seat is a narrow channel in between two landforms of comparatively high elevation, so that the water running through it accelerates enough for it to be useful for milling operations. When all of the trees were stripped off of the property for logging in the middle 19th century, it was possible for someone standing on one of the hills to see the entire complex. The tree and brush cover at Arcadia today means that we cannot see what they saw, but with the right tools, it is possible to more effectively visualize this landscape digitally.
ArcScene is a GIS utility capable of rendering mappable data in three dimensions. It was able to get elevation information from the available contour data and stratify it along the z-axis, creating an explorable 3D map. The camera was placed on the north-west corner of the property, so you are looking downstream towards the south-east. The first thing that should be apparent is the natural funnel-like formation of the land that provides the water power that the complex needed to cut lumber and process cotton. Also, the location of the textile mill, as denoted by the blue circle, was meaningfully chosen. The machinery for textile manufacturing was expensive and had to be bought and shipped to Arcadia, so if the dam eventually failed, the machinery had to be protected from flooding. The flat, raised table of land where the blue circle is was perfect for keeping expensive machinery both close at hand and out of harm's way should the dam fail.
The software is capable of even more useful forms of visualization. By rubber-sheeting a historic map such as this one over the known topography, it is possible to explore the map in a way that helps visualize its features like never before. Notice the dotted lines on the historic map. They show roads and paths that may still exist archaeologically, giving us hints as to where unmapped features such as buildings might be found.
Lastly, I will share an animation created with ArcScene's flyover feature. It's an excellent way to show what a person would see from a given vantage point, or what a bird would see if it was flying though the region.

Lastly, I will share an animation created with ArcScene's flyover feature. It's an excellent way to show what a person would see from a given vantage point, or what a bird would see if it was flying though the region.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Artifact of the Week - U.S. Armed Forces Button
All artifacts have their own story about how they were used, when they were thrown away, and how they survived in the ground. Sometimes, however, a single artifact's story of its recovery, documentation, and identification can be a documentary in and of itself. As mentioned earlier, some artifacts are more difficult to identify than others, and much of the fun in archaeology is solving these kinds of mysteries.

This button was recovered from an early 19th century sheet midden that our third trench excavated last week. Artifacts like these can be tricky to identify if their characteristic insignia is partially eroded away, as it is in this example.
After our Principal Investigator Mr. Phillips took the photograph, Brian Mabelitini, our Field Director, consulted some button books that have different examples of U.S. army and navy buttons. Our initial interpretation was that it was a Confederate staff officer's button because it has the eagle and star border motif that those buttons were known to have. However, given that Arcadia was abandoned several years before the civil war began, there would have to be a second occupation to allow for a confederate soldier to discard the button at what became the sheet midden.

Brian then decided to digitally enhance the image to try to get a better idea of what the button was depicting. While it was difficult to see initially, the eagle now appears to be perched atop an anchor! With this in mind, it is possible that the button is actually an early 19th century (War of 1812) U.S. Naval button. This creates an alternative interpretation that fits more seamlessly with what we know about the history of Arcadia, because we have historical evidence that Andrew Jackson's army passed through the Juan de la Rua land grant during the first Seminole War.
As you can see, conflicting interpretations about the same artifact can make it quite difficult to say with certainty where it came from. While we have some plausible ideas, the jury is still out on this one. The button will hopefully tell us more about the person who wore it after the lab gets a chance to conserve and analyze it.

This button was recovered from an early 19th century sheet midden that our third trench excavated last week. Artifacts like these can be tricky to identify if their characteristic insignia is partially eroded away, as it is in this example.
After our Principal Investigator Mr. Phillips took the photograph, Brian Mabelitini, our Field Director, consulted some button books that have different examples of U.S. army and navy buttons. Our initial interpretation was that it was a Confederate staff officer's button because it has the eagle and star border motif that those buttons were known to have. However, given that Arcadia was abandoned several years before the civil war began, there would have to be a second occupation to allow for a confederate soldier to discard the button at what became the sheet midden.

Brian then decided to digitally enhance the image to try to get a better idea of what the button was depicting. While it was difficult to see initially, the eagle now appears to be perched atop an anchor! With this in mind, it is possible that the button is actually an early 19th century (War of 1812) U.S. Naval button. This creates an alternative interpretation that fits more seamlessly with what we know about the history of Arcadia, because we have historical evidence that Andrew Jackson's army passed through the Juan de la Rua land grant during the first Seminole War.
As you can see, conflicting interpretations about the same artifact can make it quite difficult to say with certainty where it came from. While we have some plausible ideas, the jury is still out on this one. The button will hopefully tell us more about the person who wore it after the lab gets a chance to conserve and analyze it.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Student Highlight - Joseph Mikos
Student Highlight - Jenny McNiven
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Announcement - Public Archaeology Lab
I'm pleased to announce that Jan Lloyd, the Director of the Archaeology Laboratory at UWF, is holding public archaeology labs for visitors on the following Fridays between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM:
10, 17, 24
8, 15
Each lab session will be held at the museum building at Arcadia Mill. While the museum is air-conditioned, please prepare for hot weather if you would also like to visit our excavations at Area A.
If you are interested in helping out while seeing some of what we've been excavating this summer, please come by! All ages are welcome, but children will need the supervision of a parent or guardian. We hope to see you there!
10, 17, 24
8, 15
Each lab session will be held at the museum building at Arcadia Mill. While the museum is air-conditioned, please prepare for hot weather if you would also like to visit our excavations at Area A.
If you are interested in helping out while seeing some of what we've been excavating this summer, please come by! All ages are welcome, but children will need the supervision of a parent or guardian. We hope to see you there!
Update - Mapping Strata

It's time to talk a little about some of the artifacts that we've been recovering. Our field season this year has been fortunate to find a considerable number of artifacts associated with people's activities.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Student Highlight - Travis Jorgensen
Student Highlight - Dani Mount
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Data Visualization with GIS - Part One

Remember when Indiana Jones said that "We don't follow maps to buried treasure, and X never, ever marks the spot?"
Never, ever listen to what this guy has to say about Archaeology.

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