Monday, February 10, 2014

We're Back for the 2014 Summer Field Season!

Simpson House ca. late 19th century
After taking last summer off, we are excited to get back in the field for summer 2014 and continue our research at the Simpson Lot! This lot was donated by descendants of Ezekiel Simpson and included a three-story Louisiana-style mansion, a series of slave domiciles, and other structures and features from the 19th and early 20th centuries such as a well, cistern, and a variety of associated outbuildings. The mansion is unique for this geographical area because it had a partial basement that included a kitchen, possible slave quarter, and other associated rooms.

Southeast corner pier of slave cabin excavated in 2012
During the summer 2012 field season, a portion of the UWF terrestrial field school investigated the Simpson Lot through systematic survey, geophysical survey, and test units. The 2012 crew identified numerous features on the landscape including a brick structure composed of 8 piers, associated brick features, a possible privy, and a slave cabin structure.
Slave cabin on Simpson Lot

This summer we will continue our investigation of the Simpson Lot and the most important objective will be to uncover and document the architectural features and cultural material of the elite Simpson residence. Stay tuned!!